August 5 – October 15, 2016
Note regarding the Collaborative Pieces in this exhibition: The Fellows used the Exquisite Corpse method to create their collaborative pieces. A number of random words were mixed up in a box and the first Fellow would draw a word and then shape the piece according to the word. The next Fellow would draw a new word and alter/build on the piece. This was done in succession by all the Fellows. The titles of the collaborative pieces reflect the words drawn and the order they were drawn in, from first word to last. Visit the WIndgate ITE blog for more details regarding this process.
Celebrating the Center’s 21st year hosting the Windgate ITE International Residency program, the resident fellows work together for two months in Philadelphia to collaborate and focus on new directions in their work, which culminates in the allTURNatives: Form + Spirit 2016 exhibition in the Center’s Gerry Lenfest Gallery. This multi-disciplinary exhibition will reflect each resident fellow’s experience including objects produced before and during the residency. Three-dimensional work will be accompanied by photos, video, and other documentation depicting the summer experience. Follow the Windgate ITE blog at https://internationalturningexchange.wordpress.com/2016/