Turning Points
Turning Points was a published journal and then became an online newsletter, with its last online issue being January 2016. This section serves as the archive for the online version with all issues represented since 2007. The archive for the printed Turning Points journal, which predates the online version, is archived in The Fleur & Charles Bresler Research Library. Turning Points provided a vehicle, outside of our publications, exhibitions, and gallery talks, for artists, critics, and observers in the field to discuss:
- The creative and technical development of students, artists, and hobbyists, and their accomplishments.
- Historical and state-of-the-art information on lathe-turning and woodworking, involving academics, educators, curators, and all other interested individuals or groups.
- The art of working in wood as seen by collectors, museum and private gallery persons, and the general public.
- The evolution of the field of art in wood.
- Promoting the understanding and appreciation of the art.
- The activities and programs of the Museum.
- Any topics that foster the growth, encouragement and enhancement of the field of art in wood through education, preservation and promotion.
Turning Points Issues
May, 2013
Issue 21
Issue 21