I’m writing my last post from home, having moved all my stuff out on Saturday with the assistance of my patient husband. Unfortunately, the elevator in the dorms was broken, so we carried all our stuff down four flights of stairs. The shop was a lot easier, with functioning elevators and carts, but moving out is still a big project.
Our last week was dedicated to finishing and installing some details. Josh sanded and put finish on his squiggle pieces, Hartmut made a couple more mask like carvings, Ellie, Heide, and Jacob revisited the swings that they made at Echo Lake, and made a lovely one out of one of Phil Brown’s bowl blanks. Per was wise, and spent his time tweaking the display of his steam bent blossoms/ tumbleweeds/ swimming creatures, casting shadows on the gallery walls. I finished the sketchbook and employed one of the students, Katie Maas, to scan it and lay it out in book form so it can be printed. Then I bound the book and rushed it to the gallery just before it opened to the press on Friday morning.
I had to sketch this stunning array of Hartmut’s Diary in Wood as it awaited transport to the gallery.
Some of the guards are especially pleasant, including Elbert, whose thousand watt smile has been greeting students for years. He was at the desk at my residency three years ago, and was still a delight to encounter this summer. Joining him on this page is Bruce, who is careful not to throw out any projects that might have been thoughtlessly placed on the trash cans.
These sketches are of a few pieces in the galleries before the opening. We were all invited to bring along a few projects to fill out the gallery, but as it turned out, we made so much work this summer that it was a challenge to fit everything in.
My final sketch is of Ellie, flying on the swing across the gallery. The opening was great fun and very well attended. We all spoke briefly about our work, and Hartmut and I played a fiddle and Hartmut-horn duet. After the opening, our families and a few friends joined the staff of the Center for dinner and bowling. Most of us are terrible at bowling, but Josh, Jacob, and Patrick, Heide’s husband, managed some impressive scores.
So much effort goes into making this program a success! Navva, Karen, Lori, Katie, and Sara herded us and provided necessities and information and opportunities on a daily basis. We so much appreciate all that was done for us to make this possible. Thank you to the Center for Art in Wood, the staff, Board, and magnanimous supporters, to Tara Inman-Bellofatto, Don Miller, and the University of the Arts for hosting us so generously, the collectors, curators, and keepers of beautiful hand made objects that were so kindly shared with us, friends, family, and curious and friendly observers who made the opening such a success. Our families, who made major adjustments to their own lives to allow for our two months of uninterrupted work away from home. Lastly, thank you to my fellow ITE residents; Heide, Josh, Per, Ellie, Jacob, Hartmut, and John for your kindness, spirit, inspiration, and productivity. It was a memorable summer! I hope to see you all again before too long.