The fellows were welcomed into the Washington, D.C. area wood collectors’ homes for 4 days of art, interesting conversation and all things wood. All shared a common thread of their love of art, woodturning and turned wood objects. Phil Brown and Barbara Wolanin were the first to graciously open their home and collection to the group. The group enjoyed lunch together as well.
Phil is the Founder and first President of Montgomery County Woodturners (MCW), and he was also one of the Founders of the Capital Area Woodturners (CAW), much earlier, who meet in Virginia. Phil is currently Treasurer of MCW.
Phil and Barbara are also involved with the James Renwick Alliance (JRA) and the Collectors of Wood Art (CWA), among other things.

The fellows, Grant, Rex, Julia and Zina enjoy hearing details about the many pieces from Phil. While Barbara (on right) speaks with fellow Adrien Segal.