We are thrilled to welcome you to the Museum for Art in Wood! Access to our exhibitions and permanent collection is free of charge to all visitors.

Our first week as  ITE Resident Fellows has been jammed pack with exciting things, only to realize we have a lot to do in such a short time!

Artist presentation was completed on the first day at The Center for Art in Wood. Your new ITE Resident Fellows for 2018 are Vivian, Jong-rye, Michael, Jack, Janine, Morgan, Sean and Cristina. To learn more about how amazing we are, click here!!

We visited nextfab where we complete safety training, eventually being upgraded to a green badge. We also made some very interesting bottle openers at NextFab, even the photojournalist resident got their hands working.

IMG_4673Michael, Jack Janine, Cristina, Jong-Rye, and Vivan inspecting wood at the recycling plant.

Photo: Morgan Hill

We visited the recycling plant on a very humid day, where we walked around and inspected some possible wood materials.


Janine turning wood.

Photo: Cristina Tamarez

Some of us were recovering from a great night of karaoke jam sessions but were back in the woodshop bright and early the next morning!



Vivian holding a spider at a fundraiser

Photo: Cristina Tamarez

A few of us attended an art show that served as a fundraiser to fund a mural of a flying bat in Philly. There were some furry friends who also attended. This is Barbie the Spider.


Quotes of the Week:

“I am about to do some sketchy stuff”

“ I just followed my interest and what I wanted to do. At some point you have to claim it [your craft], you are never going to know everything”

” Do you remember the species name for the spider? Shmantula the Tarantula “