Albert addresses the table at the Echo Lake luncheon.
The group outside of an REI in Rockville, MD, in front of a “tall commissioned outdoor work, 28’h x 16′ x 8′, by Foon Sham. Made of 5000+ blocks of Kebony Pine.”
Phil Brown, who provided the description of the Foon Sham piece I quoted in the last caption, ascends a spiral staircase at the Grainer’s.
Evocative shadows at the Grainers.
I don’t know about you, but that look of Jason’s stops my heart every time.
A view of the Grainer’s through their window.
Felicia has found something she likes.
I’ve found something I like.
Daniel has found something he likes.
I can’t get enough of these geese!
Felcia and bowls at Arthur and Jane Mason’s.
Jeff Bernstein and Judy Chernoff give a brief introduction to their collection. Felicia and other residents, take note–I told you I’d get you eating and drinking!
Frank Sinatra in the dining room at Deena and Jerry Kaplan’s.