I’m going to begin scanning the film properly this week, but for now, please accept these warped images as harbingers of things to come!
Anastasia uses a rasp.
Jason lives in a world very much like our own, except everything in it is made from cardboard.
Jason turns cardboard on a lathe in a cardboard room.
Felicia turns wood on the lathe.
Another view of Felicia turning wood on the lathe.
Felicia at work on her notebook.
In the middle distance, Max turns wood on the lathe with Felicia at work on her notebook in the background. Max’s piece “Freedom of Speech” sits atop a pike on the table in the foreground.
Turning tools and your dutiful scribe’s feet.
Daniel turning wood on the lathe.
Jason and Daniel endeavor to rescue a bowl.
Felicia sands an open ended vessel while watching the rescue attempt.
The first of Albert’s weekly studio visits to NextFab.
Megan removes a piece of laser cut wood from the laser cutter.
A workstation still life.