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The fellows were welcomed to the Washington, D.C./Maryland area with a lovely pot luck dinner at the home of Phil Brown and Barbara Wolanin. Dinner guests included wood turners, collectors, a writer, and MCW members. Attendees were Jerry and Deena Kaplan, Tim and Cindy Aley, Eliot and Claudia Feldman, David and Nan Fry, Gary and Vicky Guenther, and Tim and Cheryl Kochman. Lots of conversations about art, photography, and wood (of course) filled the evening.

Washington, D.C. Day1 - 12

Pictured (Left to right) Turner, Collector, Montgomery County Woodturners (MCW) member, Jerry Kaplan, wood turner and President of MCW, Gary Guenther, and collector Deena Kaplan.

Washington, D.C. Day1 - 13

Seattle Fellow Julia Harrison speaks with Tim Kochman, and wife Cheryl Kochman. Both are turners in Capital Area Woodturners (CAW) and are also collectors.

Collectors Day1 - 1a

Collector Jerry Kaplan and host Barbara Wolanin listen to fellows at dinner. Barbara is the Curator of the Architect of the U.S. Capitol.

Washington, D.C. Day1 - 17a

Guests and fellows find common ground in discussing the art world and wood’s contributions to it. Seated (left to right) Tim Kochman, Phil Brown, Deena Kaplan, Claudia Feldman, Jerry Kaplan, fellows Zina Burloiu and Grant Vaughan. Deena and Jerry Kaplan have roots in the JRA, CWA, Center for Art in Wood (C4AW), and more. Last year, they won the very prestigious James Renwick Alliance (JRA) “One-of-a Kind” Award.

Another table of lively conversation includes

Another table of lively conversation in the next room included (seated left to right) Gary and Vicky Guenther, Cindy Aley, Nan and David Fry, member of MCW and writes articles for American Woodturner, and the journal of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) , MCW member, Eliot Feldman, fellows Adrien Segal, Julia Harrison and Rex Kalehoff, with hostess Barbara Wolanin. Tim Aley – in the doorway – is a past President of MCW and is currently the Program Chair.