We are thrilled to welcome you to the Museum for Art in Wood! Access to our exhibitions and permanent collection is free of charge to all visitors.

We traveled out to the beautiful environs of New Hope, PA, to visit the studio, showroom, finishing department, Peace House and guest house of gifted wood sculptor George Nakashima. His friendly daughter, Mira Nakashima-Yarnall, gave us a wonderful guided tour about the history of George’s creative development, his architectural achievements, his designs, his awards, and his personal experiences that he had growing up in the United States. We had a wonderful day touring the lovely grounds and learning all about George. Mira has continued her father’s legacy by creating wonderful work of her own.
She worked by her father’s side for twenty years as his assistant and collaborator, and is now the creative director of the studio.
Mira guides the studio which continues to produce her father’s designs and designs she developed using his techniques and philosophies.

Our begins with Mira Nakashima-Yarnall recounting some of her father's history to us.

Our tour begins with Mira recounting some of her father’s history to us.

Over to the enormous wood supply barn where wood is dried before use.

Grant and Mira in front of the enormous wood supply barn where wood is dried before use. Many pieces of wood were unwanted by wood suppliers as unusable. But George thought otherwise.

Introductions with Mira's son and other tour guests from Kalamazoo, MI.

Introductions with Mira’s son and other tour guests from Kalamazoo, MI.

Julia Harrison checks out the amazing wood selection.

Julia Harrison checks out the amazing wood selection.

Mira discusses George' work with the group - which can be found around the world.

Mira discusses George’ work with the group and asks Grant, Zina and Julia what they do with wood ?

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Seats designed for the Rockefellors. The seat cover in foreground designed by George and made in Japan, was rejected because it did not compliment the Rockefellor’s Chinese collection.

Julia puts her shoes back on as we exit the guest house.

Julia puts her shoes back on as we exit the traditional Japanese guest house.

Entering the Peace House.

Entering the Minguren Museum built to exhibit George’s good friend Ben Shahn’s work. Only to have Ben pass away a year later. The mosaic wall was created in Paris in 8′ panels.

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Interior of Minguren Museum.

Interior of Minguren Museum.

George and Ben.

George and Ben.

Zina admires the beautiful bookcase in the showroom.

Zina admires the beautiful bookcase in the showroom.

Grant, Zina and Julia talk about the objects.

Grant, Zina and Julia talk about the George walnut table and chair which are resting one of his rug designs – now being produced and sold.

In the Finishing Shop. Mira points out the floor with 50 years of tung oil and foot traffic.

In the Finishing Shop. Mira points out the floor with over 40 years of tung oil and foot traffic.

Julia photographs the 40 year old tung oil pot.

Julia photographs the 40 year old tung oil pot.

End of the tour photo with Winifred, Zina , Mira, Julia, and Grant.

End of the tour photo with Winifred, Zina , Mira, Julia, and Grant.