We are thrilled to welcome you to the Museum for Art in Wood! Access to our exhibitions and permanent collection is free of charge to all visitors.

It’s the end?

Its been almost a month since the residency came to an end and we said goodbye to Philadelphia and The Center for Art in Wood. Now that I have most of my film develop, (yes, there are still some photos of the summer that I have not seen yet haha), I wanted to post...

An Assortment of the Fourth Week at ITE

Janine and Michael exchanging some words. Seán, Janine, Michael, Jack, Jong-rye, Navva, and Mark at the Wharton Esherick. Jong-rye at the deck at Wharton Esherick deck. Michael and Seán: the start of a beautiful friendship. Janine, Brian, and Jong-rye. Oh! did I not...

Third Week at ITE 2018

Some of the ITE Fellows were inspired by a dinner conversation about corn and decided to turn some.  Check out the video below: https://www.instagram.com/p/BkgXmTYFWzo/?hl=en&taken-by=morganhillcreative Here is a very blurry photo of Vivian Jack, and Cristina...

Second Week of ITE 2018

Our second week started with our weekly meeting followed by a group clean-up session.   The second half of the week we headed to DC. This trip was filled with amazing and an overwhelming amount of incredible art as we visited private art collector’s home....

The First Week at ITE 2018

Our first week as  ITE Resident Fellows has been jammed pack with exciting things, only to realize we have a lot to do in such a short time! Artist presentation was completed on the first day at The Center for Art in Wood. Your new ITE Resident Fellows for 2018 are...

Big Show Tonight

It’s First Friday in Old City and Anastasia, Daniel, Felicia, Jason, Max, Megan and I are having a show at the Center for Art In Wood!  Come by between 5:30 and 8:00 PM tonight for the opening, and come by tomorrow (Sat., August 5th) between 2:00 and 4:00 PM for...