Not sure how this missed getting onto the blog as I already wrote it 10 days ago – but I am resubmitting it.
My sincere apologies to the wonderful Doctors Jeff Bernstein and Judy Chernoff. Their collection was an astounding assemblage of wood artworks from many acclaimed and well-respected artists. We were all thrilled to see such a body of inspiring works. They kindly served us a lovely meal where we introduced ourselves and spoke of all things wood.

We all introduce ourselves.

Jeff talks about a piece with Adrien, Grant, and Rex.

Jeff shows off one of their pieces to Grant Vaughan and Zina Burloiu.

Jeff shows Adrien Segal and Grant another artwork.

The special cabinet of unique and precious smaller pieces.

Julia Harrison and Rex Kaleoff enjoy the fun interactive wood art piece.

Grant Vaughan enjoys another piece shown by Jeff.

Grant tells how he began working with wood.

Julia Harrison and Judy Chernoff enjoy the story.