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Over the 4th of July weekend, the group met and walked to the Parkway near the water to hear (and possibly see, if we could get close enough) Boyz II Men and Mary J. Blige, who were performing.


On the way, I espied this young man wearing a Batman t-shirt on a bicycle all alone in a parking lot.


When we got to the Parkway, three things happened in quick succession.  First, I realized that I had neglected to bring more film.  Second, Boyz II Men’s performance concluded.  Third, it began to rain torrentially.

We first sheltered under a tree, but once the canopy became saturated it ceased to provide any form of protection.  With the storm showing no signs of letting up, we booked it back to the dorm.  By the time we got back, the sky was clearing and the streets were drying, but we were sodden to the bone.

Mary J. Blige did play, and there were fireworks.  Some of the residents reconvened and watched online.  Your biddable scribe went directly to bed.