Master Craftsperson
Bruce Schuettinger of MosArt
As I walk through the woods or down the beach, I am surrounded by the visual gifts, which nature has provided. The interplay between the diagonal intersection of the branches of the trees, the colors and shapes of the shells and rocks lying upon the sand interspersed with the white foam; all create visual inspiration for my functional art.
The wonderment of the variance in the color and grain patterns of wood from the trees throughout the world and the Soul of that Tree; has provided me with an extensive artist’s pallet from which I can paint with wood using the uniqueness of each piece and apply them as an painter uses a brush or pallet knife. I am guided by spirit and those craftsman and artists who have come before me to, move functional art to new levels, while adhering to the finest level of time tested craftsmanship from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Initially, as a Collegiate Fine Arts Graduate and then for the past 35 years as a Wooden Artifacts Conservator, Lecturer, and Teacher, I am in a unique position to bring forth all of which I have learned in these activities into the design and construction of my fine art furniture. My designs are influenced by the major fine art movements of the late 19th and 20th centuries to include Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, Abstract Illusionism, Neo-Plasticism, just to mention a few and Artists such as Piet Mondrian and Gerrit Rietveld.
In my life, I have seen so much waste and consequently I do not want to discard any part of the wood board or cut down live trees to produce my art. This edict has propelled my work into the realm of Mosaic, which allows me to utilize even the smallest fragments to create a decorative surface. I use only old stock wood and sustainable materials whenever possible in the creation of all my “Functional Art”; always seeking out rare and unusual wood in retired wood workers collections or reclamation/second chance centers.
Bruce Schuettinger
New Market, Maryland, US
[email protected]
[email protected]