Collaborations at the Echo Lake Conferences:
The First Ten Years
(June 6 – July 19, 2008)
About Collaborations at the Echo Lake Conferences: The First Ten Years
Echo Lake is an annual event that started in 1999 in Bucks County, PA with Dave Hardy, Mark Sfirri and Bil Sticker planning and coordinating the event. The name is in recognition of the model for collaborative creative events, “Emma Lake,” a biennial event in Saskatchewan, founded by artist Michael Hosaluk. The objective at Echo Lake is to bring together a diverse group of artists for several days with few expectations other than people working collaboratively and creatively to make things. New skills and new friends evolve during these intense days together.
Over the years, internationally known artists have participated in Echo Lake. This has included 24 artists from the Wood Turning Center’s residency program, the International Turning Exchange (ITE). The mix typically includes 30-40 wood turners and carvers, furniture makers, painters, glass, and metal workers – and creates a diverse group for three days of collaboration, community, and fun.
Exhibition Artists
Michael Brolly
Lynne Eshleman Brolly
Thomas Buchner
Jon Burns
Jim Byrne
Marilyn Campbell
Christian Delhon
Robert Dodge
George Dubinsky
Jean-Francois Escoulen
Ray Faunce
Doug Finkel
Tom Gall
Hank Geisenhoner
Laurent Guillot
Susan Hagan
Dave Hardy
Louise Hibbert
Bud Hohlfield
Michael Hosaluk
Peggy Hudson
Mike Kagan
Mike Kehs
Rick Kehs
Mark Krick
Dave Lancaster
Jack Larimore
Ted Lott
Rob Malinowski
Sean Mannix
Rudiger Marquarding
John Mathews
Michael Mocho
Joyce McCullough
Nic Messina
Jim Neff
Hilary Pfeifer
Binh Pho
Andrew Potocnik
Richard Preston
Maggie Robinson
David Rodgers
John Rodgers
Chris Rogahn
Ed Ryan
Merryll Saylan
Betty Scarpino
Eli Scearce
Neil Scobie
Joe Seltzer
Mark Sfirri
Jack Shelly
Joanne Shima
Bill Smith
Joe Smoyer
Chris Snyder
Phil Snyder
Dave Souza
Ric Stang
Ward Stevens
Bil Sticker
Jo Stone
Mike Tanner
Marcus Tatton
Don Thompson
Dick Tuttle
Linda VanGehuchten
Remi Verchot
Jacques Vesery
Gordon Ward
Phil Wall
Derek Weidman
Doug Weidman
Norris White
John Williams
Anthony Yakonik