Pennsylvania Made: Local Forms in the Collection
February 1 – April 20, 2019
Curated by Jennifer-Navva Milliken
*See the online gallery, here.*
Philadelphia PA: The Center for Art in Wood is pleased to present Pennsylvania Made an exhibition that shines a light on its Museum Collection, curated by Artistic Director Jennifer-Navva Milliken. The Center has built an extensive collection for over forty years, and this is the first time since moving to its current space in 2011 that there has been a focus on the collection in the Gerry Lenfest Gallery. Pennsylvania Made brings together some 100 works—vessels, furniture, and sculpture among them—that show the myriad ways that wood inspires and motivates Pennsylvania artists and makers.
First Fridays | Feb 1, Mar 1, Apr 5 | 5 – 8 PM
Gallery talk with the curator, followed by opening reception | Fri, Feb 1 | 6 – 8 PM
**Wood Valentine Card Workshop | Fri, Feb 8 | 6 – 8 PM**
Object Lesson, Keun Ho Peter Park | Fri, March 1 | 6 – 6:30 PM
Readings from The Head and The Hand’s Recent Publication | Fri, Mar 1 | 6:30 – 8 PM
Young Artists Speaker Series: Colin Pezzano | Wed, Mar 6 | 6 – 8 PM
Panel discussion with artists | Sat, Mar 9 | 6 – 8 PM
Object Lesson, Anne Ishii, Executive Director, Asian Arts Initiative | Fri, April 5 | 6 – 6:30 PM
**denotes a ticketed or paid event; all other events free unless otherwise indicated
Pennsylvania Made features works by:
Maria Anasazi, Todd Baldwin, Walter Balliet, Boris Bally, Ed Bosley, Michael Brolly, Jake Brubaker, Jay Brubaker, John Diamond-Nigh, Robert Dodge, Neil Donovan, David Ellsworth, Paul Eshelman, Amy Forsyth, Linton Frank, Giles Gilson, the John Grass Wood Turning Company, Susan Hagen, Dave Hardy, Michael Kehs, Michael Koehler, Rebecca Kolodziejczak, Jack Larimore, Steve Loar, Alphonse Mattia, Joyce McCullough, Emil Milan, Michael Mode, Dennis Mueller, Thomas Nicosia, Daniel Ostrov, Robert Salmonsen, Joseph Seltzer, Mark Sfirri, Palmer Sharpless, Joanne Shima, Jay Weber, Derek Weidman, Christopher Weiland, Norris White, and John H. Williams.