Whited Sepulcher Series 16-1
Title: Whited Sepulcher Series 16-1
Artist: Kip Christensen
Nationality: US
Date: 2016
Materials: Russian Olive Burl
Dimensions: 6 x 8 1/4 in. dia.
Price: $1,190
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Object ID Number: 2016FFKC2
Object Number: 2016FFKC2
Notes: Nearly four decades later, as I write this statement, I am sitting at my desk at BYU in the same building where I turned the natural edge box elder burl bowl that was part of the Turned Object Show. While I have maintained my original goal of becoming a teacher rather than a professional turner, woodturning has been good to me and has had a major impact in my life. Being part of the Turned Objects Show felt special to me at the time and still does today. I kept my bowl and my copy of the publication, A Gallery of Turned Objects. More importantly I have retained a flood of memories that surround an exciting and formative time in my life.