Untitled, Grouping of 14 Miniatures
Title: Untitled, Grouping of 14 Miniatures
Artist: Joe Seltzer
Date: 2000-4
Materials: 5 hollow turnings of mesquite burl with natural top, Jarrah burl, maple burl with large void, redwood burl with worm holes, segmented piece of maple/ canarywood/eucalyptus burl; 4 goblets of boxwood, spalted boxwood, paela burl, very old bog oak; 3 cup shapes of Norfolk pine, cherry, segmented maple/ Carcassian walnut/Australian resin vein, bowl shape of yew; bowl shape segmented of many woods
Dimensions: 10 x 11 x 2 in.
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Credit Line: The Center for Art in Wood Museum Collection, Gift of the Artist
Object ID Number: 2008.
Object Number: OBJ 679