Stormy Weather
Title: Stormy Weather
Artist: Darrell Copeland, US
Nationality: US
Date: 2012
Materials: Wood, fire, pigment
Dimensions: 17 x 10 1/2 x 3 1/2 in.
Price: NFS
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Object ID Number: 2016FBDC1
Object Number: 2016FBDC1
Notes: I personally gravitate to three dimensional art. I approach my work as sculptural paintings - compositions of form, texture, and color. Generally, I work with wood and acrylics. Often I will incorporate two or more components within a piece to create rhythmic patterns and/or interaction between them. While my goal is to express the essence of a theme, I take great pleasure in creating well-crafted, aesthetically pleasing work that may be subjectively interpreted and enjoyed. This piece was inspired by storms out at sea. It is the first piece that I shaped and textured completely with aggressive carving tools. With the power and speed of these tools, I was able to get into a rhythm and create spontaneously. There is an “in the moment...from inspiration to canvas” approach that continues even through the painting and torching of this piece. The allTURNatives: Form + Spirit 2012 exhibition showcased the work I completed during the Center’s 2012 ITE residency. During the residency, I experimented with tools and techniques that allowed for shaping large work and deep texture. For eight weeks, I pushed back my quest for technical perfection to chop and hack with angle grinders, chainsaws and the like, searching for new ways to express ideas. As the residency ended and installation of the show began, I must admit that I was anxious about presenting experimental work to the world. But looking back, I am proud of that work and the time I spent exploring new processes.