Solar I
Title: Solar I
Artist: Darrell Copeland, US
Nationality: US
Date: 2016
Materials: Engineered wood, acrylic paint
Dimensions: 21 7/8 x 17 3/8 x 1 7/16 in.
Price: $1,850
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Object ID Number: 2016FFDC2
Object Number: 2016FFDC2
Notes: From stormy weather to sunshine - for my current piece, I selected “Solar I,” the first of three pieces in a series inspired by the sun’s energy. Not only does this piece represent its inspiration, it also reflects the energy of the process used to create it. As in ‘Stormy Weather’ I used aggressive power carving to simulate brush strokes, and then added paint to the surface. As a sculptural painting, the carving and paint render deep shadows, highlights and visual energy.