Title: Power
Artist: Michael Bauermeister, US
Nationality: US
Date: 2016
Materials: linden with tinted lacquer
Dimensions: 65 x 45 x 3 in.
Price: $8,900
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Object ID Number: 2016FFMB2
Object Number: 2016FFMB2
Notes: The new work that I'm most excited about is my carved and painted wooden panels. Using several pieces of wood glued together to make a large, undulating picture-plane gives me unlimited scale and scope. "Power" is 65" tall but it suggests a scale many times that. The image of a towering, spinning form is reminiscent of the turning process with the energy of mass in motion. The image is produced by carving the surface with a gouge to create a textured pattern that is then given several coats of tinted lacquer. When this is partially sanded off a kind of cellular motif is produced. I like the way these cells can be used to represent many different natural patterns.