Airship II
Title: Airship II
Artist: Bob Marsh, US
Nationality: US
Date: 2013
Materials: Balsa
Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 32 in.
Price: $1,000
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Object ID Number: 2016FFBMa2
Object Number: 2016FFBMa2
Notes: Airship II from 2013 abandons that aviary imagery but still relies on many of the compositional devices I was using 8 years ago. It too, is a table top, mid-scaled sculpture with allusions to culturally familiar forms. In lieu of multiple hand-cast resin birds, there now exist digitally-designed, laser-cut, balsa bits which are constructed with a modeler’s glee into an inverted and trapped airship form. I consider these newer works to align themselves with executive desk accessories and the social trappings in which they often exist. I find those sensibilities to be subverted and questioned when a viewer considers both the practicality of such an item and who one assumes to have authored such an item.