Ah Ha, a Haw is a Hedge A Hawthorn Thorn in my Worn Paw Soft Downy Hair and Hot Burning Hard Wood My family of Rose, Apple and Pear Cousins What May Flower?
Title: Ah Ha, a Haw is a Hedge A Hawthorn Thorn in my Worn Paw Soft Downy Hair and Hot Burning Hard Wood My family of Rose, Apple and Pear Cousins What May Flower?
Artist: Fred Rose
Date: 2013
Materials: Crataegus mollis - Downy Hawthorn, Rose family (Rosaceae) Wood and log from Bartram’s Garden Ligustrum ovalifolium – Japanese or Oval-leaved Privet, Family: Oleaceae Root ball from hedge taken out of my yard in Costa Mesa, CA Glass, Agave Americana 'Marginata' Spines, Iron, Illustration by Mary Jo Rado.
Dimensions: 34 x 25 x 7
Price: $5,000